discover Siena and its surroundings

Siena, is a not a big city, yet it’s perfect to spend a few days relaxing, and discovering the stories, the legends, and the religious itineraries of a past you can still breathe walking through the streets of this Medieval city.
Siena was the birthplace of many important historical figures brought together by a Leitmotiv: the Catholic religion. By the names and churches that resonate through the whole city it’s not hard to imagine that Saint Catherine was somehow inspired by her own city as well.
About the Jubilee of Mercy
Saint Catherine is and used to be a mystic and a theologian of great importance, at that time and still now her importance in the branch of the religion is undeniable. She was a model of strength and religious zeal and walking through Siena with a tour guided by the voice of someone who not just knows the territory but specialized in this subject as well, is probably the best way to follow the steps of the saint through the streets of the city, looking for the places , the legends and most of all the mysticism that here found place and where the faith of Saint Catherine of Siena grew and was put on probation.
The religious tourism of Tuscany finds in Siena an important stop-over that cannot be put aside: in addition to Saint Catherine, Siena was the birthplace of Saint Bernardino (Bernardine) of Siena who used to be a great preacher, and played an important role as a renovator for the Catholic Church and for its iconography.
The religious itineraries in Siena are just one of the routes you may decide to follow, but certainly the places of worship and faith are a fundamental element of the urban geography of the city itself.
The church and the mysticism meet and cross with political life and profane indissolubly. Between those who became Pope during the time, many where born in Siena, and through the centuries this city has maintained a strong bond with the capitol city of the Catholic faith, Rome.
Siena a small, shiny jewel in the centre of Tuscany, well-known in particular for the traditional Palio horse race that is still well alive after centuries and tstill able to arise deep, instinctive feelings in the “contradaioli” (all those beloging to a specific “contrada”, a neighborhood).
Yet Siena, as you probably understood, it’s not just that.
If you wish to craft a tailor-made tour that covers art, history, breathtaking landscapes, cheese, extra virgin olive oil and of course Italian wine, I would be delighted to create the perfect itinerary for you. Here are just a few ideas for guided tours, but feel free to contact me to discuss further possibilities.

Information request
For prices, you can contact me at e-mail or fill out the form; costs may vary based on group size, duration of tour and type of tour chosen.
There are special offers for packages of multiple days of guided tours. In the case of cancellation less than 24 hours in advance or no-shows, the entire sum agreed upon will be due.
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